Passend zur Frühlingssonne ein Winter-Video

Logisch, wir freuen uns über den Frühling, aber der Winter hat – seit dem Fatbike – auch seinen Charme. SO, Vollbildmodus, Boxen auf Anschlag gedreht, zurückgelehnt und fünf Minuten auf den nächsten Winter gefreut! Film ab!

Hier noch ein paar „rüberkopierte“ Hintergründe:

„The call of the mountain is even stronger during winter, when the snow breaks the tree-tops and the cold weather freezes
the bones. During this time, when most people put their bike to rest, an adventure between two Italian buddies began.
They aimed to search for the COLD VEIN, that vein which come back to pulsate in the winter wilderness.
This was an experience that brought Giorgio and Francesco to find more than what they were searching for.
A journey through their own limits, where what is important, is not the width of the tires but the extent of the horizons.

The video is dedicated to Walter Belli, a dear friend who had a bad injury during a DH session and who is still fighting every day with the wilderness alive in his heart.“

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