"The Cordillera Volume 5" erschienen

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I’ve just uploaded the latest version of the Cordillera to Lulu.com:


The book is 251 pages long, with contributions from 51 people. Sorry about the higher price of $25 … but don’t forget, all proceeds go to the education fund of Dave Blumenthal’s daughter Linnea.

Volume 5 of The Cordillera describes the 2013 race. The record number of starters had conditions that were near perfect. While we had the first sub 15 day finish, there were still the usual challenges of broken bikes, broken bodies and broken spirits.  But as always, the Cordillera is about focusing and getting on with the job of trying to reach Antelope Wells. Even if your frame has cracked and is being held together by duct tape. The common thread to all stories is the incredible strength of the human spirit, and what can be achieved if we really try.

There will also be e-books available. I’ve submitted a file to Amazon for a Kindle version, and I’m also trying to sort out an e-book with Lulu (any volunteers to help with this would be appreciated!).

Thanks again for all the support from everyone – especially Scott Thigpen for his cover work, and the authors. Here’s a few samples:

… I suspect there was a lightning strike very close to me on this section of road which probably blew me off my bike. I had a few scratches on my knee and a sore wrist but otherwise seemed to be OK. I spent the evening regrouping and trying to refocus my mind on the task at hand Jesse Carlsson (2nd Place Finisher)

I had to stop, I had to do something. The only fluid I had to drink at this point was Gatorade, grape to be exact. I laid my bike down, grabbed a water bottle, pulled my shorts down and sprayed Gatorade everywhere down there!  Michael Arenberg 

After requesting something in the neighbourhood of 10,000 calories, I looked to a fellow racer, Brett Simpson, and his reply was: “Are you sure that’s all you need?”  Nick Legan

The book also contains the results of our first ever ‚Gear Survey‘. A must read for all future Tour Divider’s. Many nuggets of wisdom.

Hope you find the book interesting and inspiring.

Regards, Chris


The Cordillera is a non-profit effort. All proceeds benefit worthy bikepacking causes and last year we raised over $1,000 for the Adventure Cycling Association. This year all proceeds go directly to the college savings plan for Linnaea Blumenthal. Linnaea is the four year old daughter of Dave Blumenthal who died after a crash in the 2010 Tour Divide race. Purchasing a copy of the Cordillera is a great and tangible way for the bike-packing community to show support for a fallen racer’s daughter.

Mehr zur Tour Divide auf Lulu.com findet sich hier.

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